Click Enroll in Curriculum to register in the curriculum first

Curriculum: Provincial Standard Health Care Support Worker in Community Orientation Program

Please Note: This course is intended for HCSWs working in Community settings. If you are working in Long-term Care, complete the Curriculum: Provincial Standard Health Care Support Worker Orientation Program instead (course code 24230).

Welcome to the first phase of the Health Career Access Program! This orientation is designed specifically for Health Care Support Workers who will be working in community.

Completing this program is the first step in your journey of working in the health care sector. 

Before Starting Work as a Health Care Support Worker:
Before you can start working as a Health Care Support Worker there are 2 main orientation pieces you need to complete: all courses in this curriculum, and additional safety requirements that are specific to your worksite.

To complete this curriculum:
There are 18 courses in this curriculum, linked below. Together, these courses provide a good provincial orientation!

  1. Click Enroll in Curriculum.
    • If you have already enrolled in this curriculum, go to step 2.
  2. Click Start Course (just to the right of the course title; you will need to do this for each course you start).
    • After you complete a course, Start Course no longer appears next to that course.

After you complete this curriculum:
After successfully completing all of the courses, the curriculum is considered complete. You will get an email confirming this.

  • Information from your employer will be provided to whom you will send the email to ensure you get paid for completing the curriculum
  • Talk to your manager/supervisor about completing the additional provincial online safety requirements, and the employer-specific requirements, listed in the Additional Provincial Online Requirements/Safety Resources Checklist (linked below).

To complete the additional provincial online safety and employer-specific requirements:

  1. Download the Additional Provincial Online Requirements/Safety Resources Checklist.
    • This checklist has additional safety resources, worksite-specific items (orientation your employer will ask you to complete), and resident and client interactions.
    • This checklist is for you to keep track of your own learning; you do not need to share it with anyone.

People accepted into the Health Career Access Program by the Province of British Columbia (BC).

20 hrs 30 mins

Note: The Provincial Standard Health Care Support Worker Orientation Program is part of the Health Care Access Program, in which the Province of BC will pay for your post-secondary education.
New hires in the program start in a Health Care Support Worker position and receive paid training that leads to full qualification as a Health Care Assistant.

Upon completion of the curriculum, you can locate your completion certificate under the Learning History tab.

Provincial Standard Health Care Support Worker Orientation in Community

Provincial Code Red - Fire Safety Training (Acute & Long Term Care Facilities)

WHMIS - Provincial Course

Infection Prevention and Control Basics for Non-direct Care Health Care Workers

1. Violence Prevention: Introduction to Violence Prevention

2. Violence Prevention: Recognize Risks and Behaviours

3. Violence Prevention: Assess and Plan: Part 1 - Complete Point-of-Care Risk Assessments

4. Violence Prevention: Assess and Plan: Part 2 - Develop Behavioural Care Plans

5. Violence Prevention: Respond to the Risk: Part 1 - Perform De-escalation Communication

6. Violence Prevention: Respond to the Risk: Part 2 - Perform De-escalation Strategies

7. Violence Prevention: Respond to the Risk: Part 3 - Determine When and How to Get Help

8. Violence Prevention: Report and Communicate Post-Incident

Waste Management Basics Learning Module (Online)

Dementia Care: Fundamental Knowledge, Skills and Competencies for Providing Person-Centred Care

NHA - CL - Understanding Diversity and Spirituality

PHSA - TCBC - Intro to Gender Diversity

Person and Family Centred Care - New Employee Orientation

Recognizing and Responding to Adult Abuse

Contact Information

Administrator, CLKS