LeaderShift: Engaging with Conflict

Engaging with Conflict is part of our LeaderShift Cohort Program series.

Please review the program details and our application process below. We do not enable registrations on the LearningHub due to our screening process for participants.

Applications for the Spring 2024 cohort are now closed. If you are interested in applying for a future cohort, please provide your information here.

Click here to download the program poster and highlights!

When you think about conflict:

• Do situations cause you anxiety, stress, overwhelm, or frustration?

• Do you avoid conversations that you should be having?

• Do you feel responsible to solve conflicts happening in your teams/department?

• Do you wish you had some new approaches to better engage with conflict in the moment?

More than ever, healthcare leaders need to effectively navigate and negotiate through conflict to mobilize support of our teams and key stakeholders. It is inevitable that partnerships and networks are affected by conflict due to work pressures and expected workplace tensions. In addition to emotional stress, the negative effects of conflict create a toxic work environment that has adverse affects on productivity and patient care.

How we engage in conflict affects the chemistry of how we connect with each other. Join other VCH leaders to expand self-awareness and learn a new approach to engaging with conflict.


For VCH leaders with a passion for learning advanced methods for working with conflict and an open mind to look at conflict in new ways.


We’ll learn frameworks for assessing conflict and use experiential learning to skill up through self-reflection and case studies to apply learning.

Module 1 & 2 Conflict Foundations: Introduction to Process Work

Introduction to a process oriented approach to conflict. We’ll begin to build a learning community together. Participants will learn the core elements of process-oriented psychology, and practice applying them to workplace conflict scenarios.

Module 3: Working with Resistance

Introduction to Lewis Deep Democracy. Learn a structured method for reducing conflict overall, by bringing out resistance behaviors and appreciating the wisdom and potentials contained within them.

Module 4: Framing and Innerwork

Framing and Innerwork are heavily used tools in Process Oriented conflict work. Here we will hone our skills in both with practice.

Module 5: Rank and Power

Power is a part of everything, yet rarely acknowledged as such, especially in conflict. Participants will learn about 4 types of positional and person powers, and how to avoid the poor use of power.

Module 6: Responding to Criticism and Accusation

Accusations are part of most conflicts, often generating repeating cycles of denial and/or counter accusations. Break these cycles through deep and fluid inclusion of all viewpoints and by identifying mixed messages.

Please Note:

• The time commitment is approximately 30 hours over 4 months.

• As one session builds on to the next, full participation is required to complete the program.

• Participants will experience peer-to-peer learning to cultivate relationships and build leadership networks across VCH. As a cohort-based learning, we will build community as we build skills together.

• Cohort size limited to 12 for deep attention for individual learning.

30 hours

No available session available at this time

Contact Info

VCH Talent & Culture


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