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Resident Doctors OHS/Violence Prevention Training

This curriculum consists of mandatory health and safety courses (including violence prevention training) that was developed in partnership with all health authorities and Residents Doctors of BC, specifically for incoming medical residents.

First year resident doctors as well as PG-Y2 to PG-Y7 resident doctors new to BC.

8 hours

First year resident doctors as well as PG-Y2 to PG-Y7 resident doctors new to BC.

Incoming medical residents who complete 8 hours of H&S orientation will be entitled to one day of pay at their regular rate. Medical residents must successfully complete all courses in this curriculum in order to receive this pay.

Violence Prevention – PVPC for Medical Staff Classroom

Violence Prevention - PVPC for Physicians

Hazardous Drugs: Awareness (New)

Introduction to Indigenous Health

PICNet - Infection Control Precautions for High Threat Pathogens

Radiation Safety: Radiation Safety Basics (Online)

VCH - MSIP - Manual Material Handling and Ergonomic Principles

WHMIS - Provincial Course

Contact Information

Koziol, Sandra