Exploring Leadership Conflict

Conflict is a part of everyday life; in this workshop you will learn how you get triggered into conflict and strategies to reduce the negative impacts of it.

Specifically, we will:

  • Explore how we are triggered into conflict and ways to overcome them;
  • Identify helpful mindsets that improve relationships in conflict;
  • Practice reflecting on a current conflict using the Experience Cube to gain clarity.

Recommended Pre-requisite for this workshop:

Course notes:

  • Please ensure you complete Exploring Leadership Communication or you had already completed the Exploring Leadership Communication 2 part series before registering for this workshop!
  • If you have already attended the Exploring Conflict Resolution 2-part series, you don’t have to retake this course.

To view your learning record and courses you have completed, go here and click "Learning History" on the left hand side navigation bar.

If the sessions dates do not work for you, or if there are no sessions available at this time, please leave your name here, and we will reach out to you as soon as new dates are open.

Please note:

  • Prior to registration, employees are responsible to discuss appropriate departmental schedule and cost-related arrangements with their manager (work coverage, backfills,etc.)
  • You will receive a calendar invitation from leadershipdevelopment@vch.ca with details when your registration is confirmed.

Back to Exploring Leadership

All VCH staff and medical staff who would like to explore leadership skills.

2 hours

The workshops are offered to you by VCH People team. The comparable market value is $500.

Register early to secure your seat. If you can’t attend, we require at least 2 business day notice to accommodate those on the wait list. Please email us at leadershipdevelopment@vch.ca.

This is a highly interactive workshop with online activities and breakout rooms. Please ensure you are able to join with your video and audio.

Course Sessions

Exploring Leadership Conflict

Feb 26, 2025, 9am PT - 11am PT

Zoom - Link to Follow

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Contact Information

VCH Talent & Culture
