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BCEHS – COVID 19 Response Curriculum STUDENTS

This curriculum gives students in educational establishments external to BCEHS access to BCEHS’s response in addressing changes required for safe delivery of care during COVID-19.

BCEHS' response has been rapid and nimble. From March 18th to April 21st, 2020 there were over 70 practice and operational changes communicated to paramedics. All these changes were focused on paramedic and patient safety as well as conservation of PPE. The sheer volume of changes overwhelmed some staff. A curriculum was developed to allow paramedics to review the information in a condensed format and to demonstrate their understanding of the changes.

Students from educational establishments external to BCEHS

2 hrs 50 mins

Students from educational establishments external to BCEHS

BCEHS - PPE Changes for COVID-19 Students

BCEHS - Role of the Dofficer Students

BCEHS - Updates in the Context of COVID 19 Students

BCEHS - Why Quarantine: A Presentation of COVID-19 Students

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Learning, BCEHS

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