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PHSA New Employee Required Training Curriculum - Non Clinical Care

New employees are required to complete this curriculum within their first week of work. Please note that this is NOT the paid PHSA New Hire Orientation Curriculum.

Please complete this curriculum if you are an employee who does not provide direct clinical care. If your role is in direct clinical care, please complete this curriculum instead:

New Employees


1. Violence Prevention: Introduction to Violence Prevention

2. Violence Prevention: Recognize Risks and Behaviours

3. Violence Prevention: Assess and Plan: Part 1 - Complete Point-of-Care Risk Assessments

5. Violence Prevention: Respond to the Risk: Part 1 - Perform De-escalation Communication

6. Violence Prevention: Respond to the Risk: Part 2 - Perform De-escalation Strategies

7. Violence Prevention: Respond to the Risk: Part 3 - Determine When and How to Get Help

8. Violence Prevention: Report and Communicate Post-Incident

Infection Prevention and Control Basics for Non-direct Care Health Care Workers

WHMIS - Provincial Course

Hazardous Drugs: Awareness (New)

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