Using Library Search Tools (online)

By the end of this online session, you will know how to:

Basic Level (30 Mins)
• Find the library web pages on FH Pulse
• Access research databases
• Run searches using keywords
• Find articles
• Contact library staff

Intermediate Level (30 Mins)
• Find appropriate subject headings
• Combine subject headings and keywords to make complex searches
• Narrow your search using limits
• Find your article from a citation

Advanced Level (30 Mins)
• Use PICO to develop your search question
• Improve your search results with explode, major concept, wildcard, and truncation
• Find full text articles from outside the database

To make sure that you can use all of the resources included in this course, please use a Fraser Health networked computer.

Please note, this course uses sound. A private computer or headphones is recommended

Please contact Sarah Gleeson-Noyes for more information.

Fraser Health Staff.



  • Please click the Start Course button to access the online course.

  • Prior to attending educational sessions, you must obtain approval from your manager or supervisor if attending on scheduled work time (or if you expect to be reimbursed if attending outside of work time). Thank you.

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