PHSA - BCCH - The Period of Purple Crying
Reminder: LearningHub is only to be used by those working and studying in British Columbia.
This course will educate and prepare providers to deliver the evidence-based Period of PURPLE Crying® (PURPLE) education and materials to BC parents. At the completion of this course, providers should feel confident in delivering the PURPLE to families and answering their questions.
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
- Identify signs and symptoms of shaken baby syndrome (SBS) and be able to discuss with parents/caregivers the dangers of shaking as a caregiving behaviour, and how to keep babies safe;
- Describe normal infant crying patterns, based on 50 years of research, to parents/caregivers;
- Recognize normal infant crying as the main trigger for SBS; and
- Educate BC families on the PURPLE program.
1 hour | |
24 Months | |
6485 | |
BC maternity, public health, primary and community care nurses, and community service providers who support pre-natal and new families with infants |
Contact Information
Karen Sadler