S2S: Introduction to Occupational Health & Safety

A course for everyone! An interactive online course that provides staff with the foundations needed to help prevent workplace injuries and illnesses from occurring; it also aids in the development a safety culture in the workplace. Manager/supervisors can direct their new staff to take this training as part of the required health & safety orientation. Completion is strongly recommended prior to taking the Steps to Safety: Introduction for Managers and Supervisors

Topics covered:
a)occupational health & safety rights & responsibilities
b)principles of incident/injury prevention
c)what to do after an workplace injury or illness

(note: formerly the "Steps to Safety" or "STEPS" course)

45 minutes

Contact Info

For questions about the course content - please contact:Workplace Health at workplacehealth@phsa.ca

For questions about course credit (e.g. course completion does not show up in your personal learning history) or technical issues - please contact learninghubadmin@phsa.ca


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