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RPACE Community of Practice Recorded Webinars

The RPACE Community of Practice quarterly learning series is aimed at sharing knowledge and best practices, and exchanging ideas about integrating a palliative approach to care and having goals of care conversations. Join us to enhance your skills in identifying patients who would benefit from a palliative approach to care, strengthen advocacy for goals of care conversations in your care setting, and improve your ability to provide exceptional person-centered care.

Through this curriculum, you can access previously recorded webinars on a range of topics that bring you the most up-to-date information by local and international experts.

To register for future live RPACE Community of Practice webinars, please click the link below:

All healthcare professionals and members of the public with an interest in best practices related to a palliative approach to care for people living with serious illness and person-centered conversations about their goals of care.

1 hour

Exploring Frailty with Dr. Ranchod

MOST, Goals of Care, and Serious Illness Conversation

Serious Illness Conversations with Clients Living with Mental Health and Substance Use Concerns

Language and Cultural Considerations for Goals of Care Conversations

Managing Patient and Family Expectations in Late Stage Illness and Active Dying

Managing Patient and Family Expectations in Late Stage Illness and Active Dying Q&A Session

Making Serious Illness Conversations Safer for Individuals with Structural Vulnerabilities

Conversation Pearls from the Chinese and South Asian Communities in Richmond

Supporting the 2SLGBTQIA+ Community with Goals of Care conversations

Supporting People Experiencing Dementia and Frailty to Share What Matters Most to Them

Getting Curious about Denial in the Context of Goals of Care/ Future Planning

Contact Information

Coastal: Patricia Reyes
Richmond: Monica Kelly
Vancouver Acute: Dara Lewis
Vancouver Community: Sarah Lau
Team lead: Umilla Stead