PHSA - TCBC - Supporting Gender Creative Children and Their Families

Reminder: LearningHub is only to be used by those working and studying in British Columbia.

A foundational (non-clinical) course for people who work with gender creative children and their families.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Demonstrate a basic understanding of childhood gender development.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of social affirmation and social transition.
  3. Identify a child and family’s strengths, needed supports, and appropriate referrals.
  4. Identify appropriate steps for school personnel to take in support of a gender creative or transgender (trans) child.
  5. Demonstrate an understanding of the role of community in supporting gender creative and trans children and their families.

NOTE: For learners who are not employees of BC-based health authorities, this course is available on Trans Care BC's Brightspace LMS at:

1 hr 30 mins

This course is designed for people who work with children and their families in various capacities. This includes, but is not limited to, day care, school, community centres, social work, health care, and mental health care.

NOTE: For learners who are not employees of BC-based health authorities, this course is available on Trans Care BC's Brightspace LMS at:

Due to the LearningHub LMS system's provincial parameters, access to the course on LearningHub is generally limited to learners who are employees of BC-based health authorities.

Prerequisite (recommended): This course builds on the key terms and concepts explored within the course Intro to Gender Diversity. It is recommended that you first complete one of the Intro to Gender Diversity courses; either course #20502 (regular) or course #8141 (expanded).

Feedback: We believe your feedback is one of the best ways to continue to improve our educational resources. Therefore, if you have any feedback or suggested revisions, please include them in your course evaluation and/or email us at

Troubleshooting: The LearningHub may require up to 20 minutes before reflecting your course as completed in your learning history. If your course is still not marked as completed after 30 minutes, you can contact the course manager (below) to request this manually be updated.

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