Comfort Protocol for Clinical Procedures

During this course, you will learn about the Comfort Protocol for Clinical Procedures, also known as the Comfort PACT (Pain Addressed Comfort Tended). The Comfort PACT assists in making comfort a priority by providing a standardized way for healthcare professionals and families to apply the five pillars of comfort during clinical procedures: preparation, communication, comfort positions, alternate focus, and medication.

This course is part of recognizing the importance of addressing pediatric pain and providing comfort care to every person in every interaction.

At the end of the course, you’ll be able to:
• Explain what the Comfort PACT is and describe its purpose.
• Identify and explain the five pillars of the Comfort PACT.
• Recognize the benefit of the Comfort PACT for persons and families.
• Describe how to apply the comfort PACT to support persons and families in the clinical setting.

Healthcare professionals

1 hour

This course contains a one hour e-learning module and four webinars.

Contact Info

Rowe, Haleigh (Rowe, Haleigh)

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