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PHSA - OVH - Zoom for Healthcare Education and Training
This curriculum is intended to support all staff using Zoom for Virtual Health Visits within Provincial Health Services Authority, Providence Health Care, Island Health, Doctors of BC, HealthLinkBC, and Community Living BC. These courses range from a self-paced online course to live virtual sessions over Zoom, facilitated by educators from the PHSA Office of Virtual Health (OVH).
Please Enroll in Curriculum then select Register for your desired resource.
For other Zoom related resources, please see the OVH Zoom for Healthcare website.
Recorded Zoom Training Sessions:
• Zoom Learning Bursts and Zoom In Depth are live virtual sessions (ranging from 15 min to 1 hour) with the opportunity for Q&A that support users through some of the main functionalities of Zoom for Healthcare.
• This course contains recordings of the above sessions available to all users who may have been unable to attend the live sessions.
Introduction to Zoom for Healthcare (online course):
• This interactive course covers the basic features of Zoom and structured in a way for you to learn only what you need. Complete the modules that are relevant to you at your own pace.
Staff at Provincial Health Services Authority, Providence Health Care, Island Health, Doctors of BC, HealthLinkBC, and Community Living BC Note that other programs/health authorities may have a different configuration of Zoom than what is covered in this training. However, you are still welcome to attend as most general Zoom functionalities should still apply. |
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Please note: completion of all courses is not required. This curriculum is intended to be a collection of resources to access on an as-needed basis by the learner. No completion certificate will be generated. Please email if you encounter any problems while taking this course, or wish to provide feedback on the course content or experience. We are interested in hearing your ideas for how this course may be improved for you and your colleagues. Thank you! |
PHSA - OVH - Introduction to Zoom for Healthcare
PHSA - OVH - Recorded Zoom Training Sessions
Contact Information
Office of Virtual Health - Education Team