PICNet - Infection Control Precautions for High Threat Pathogens (PAPR)

This provincial training course outlines the highest level of precautions required to respond safely to high threat pathogens. Not every event involving a high threat pathogen will require this level of precautions. Organizations such as World Health, Public Health Agency of Canada, BC Provincial Health Officer, and the BC Public Health Laboratory will collaborate and provide specific guidance for each situation. Upon direction from the Provincial Health Officer; depending upon the pathogen attributes such as infectious dose, route of transmission, incubation period etc.(if known) and the type of care given, it may be possible to scale down from these protocols.

By completing the “Infection Control Precautions for High Threat Pathogens (PAPR)” course, you will be able to identify the various requirements when caring for patients with these pathogens. This includes designated personal protective equipment, special donning and doffing procedures, biocontainment protocols and more. This course is meant to be the first step in preparedness, to be followed by hands-on practice in each worksite using simulations.

Emergency department and other designated physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists, phlebotomists, medical imaging technicians and laboratory staff, trained observers and PPE donning / doffing assistants in level three (and some designated level 2) hospitals, and BC Emergency Health Services (BCEHS) staff

1 hour

Please consult with your employer regarding the requirement to complete this course

Contact Information

Provincial Infection Control Network of BC
